
Young souls on social media

In a world of likes and shares,  
Where everyone seems to have no cares,  
A young person scrolls through their feed,  
Comparing their life to others, indeed.  

They see the highlights, the filtered perfection,  
And start to feel a sense of rejection,  
Their self-worth tied to virtual validation,  
Leading to feelings of isolation.  

They see the world through a distorted lens,  
Believing everyone else has perfect friends,  
They feel inadequate, not good enough,  
Caught in the cycle of comparison, so tough.  

But remember, dear young soul,  
Social media is not the whole,  
It\'s just a glimpse, a curated view,  
Don\'t let it define your value, it\'s not true.  

Look beyond the screen, see the beauty in real life,  
Find joy in moments, free from the virtual strife,  
You are unique, special, and enough,  
Don\'t let social media make you feel rough.  

So put down the phone, go outside and play,  
Live in the moment, enjoy the day,  
Don\'t let social media cloud your view,  
You are amazing, just be you.