
Dedication Delights

Tune: Westminster Abbey

(\'Christ is made the sure foundation\')


Noble edifice outstanding

From you myriad praises ring

Fifty years, nine centuries standing* (*950 years)

Countless voices from you sing

Dedicated to God\'s service

House of God, fine place of bliss


Built of stone of wise men\'s crafting

Skills brought, talents, everything

To employ with humble hearts free

That to God the glory be

Here in wonder, joy, amazement

Gaze we still with sweet content


Christ that spiritual stone belongs

Corner-stone for building strong

We His people built upon Him

Polished stones shine bright, ne\'er dim

Living stones of living temple

Stand firm, solid, none shall fall


Bright the new Jerusalem shines

Heavenly city with pleasant lines* (*boundaries)

Here on earth in our aspiring

We that city seek for, long

\'Til we there for everlasting

Worship you our heavenly King