

I am a murderer, a killer who kills

To get rid of my anxieties and fears

And with my knife I showcase my skills

But it doesn’t help stop my tears


I know killing is bad, but it’s good for me

I have to kill because I am a killer

No one can change that I am an enemy

But I like it this way, always being the winner


I don’t kill for fun, I kill to remove

My anger, fear, to become the best

Since everyone fears me, I cannot lose

And I will never be scared like the rest


Forever I am running away

From the justice that slithers and crawls for me

And during every night and every day

I’m killing and killing continuously


I want to feel like a king

To be the one that has the knife

To point the gun and demand anything

And to choose to end anyone’s life


Control and releasing anger is key

And when I kill, at this I’m very good

I think being a killer is best for me

Even when my hands are stained with blood


But I don’t know why I’m making others die

Apart from taking out my anger and anxiety

But afterwards, I’m empty inside

Just like the bodies in front of me