
This God of A Thousand Mouths

this god of a thousand mouths

lilly white in the footsteps of a jew.

of course no serenade

the music empty. coast is ever clear.

there is no son to walk with

to talk of imperfections in the bladder of a shrew.

there\'s no carbon nor a copy-cat 

now the sneeze of a happy sleeping pill

asks nothing more of bygone days and you.

I do, of course I do.

\'till death depart from the quay we lovers hang.

it was the third glass eye that winked us back to life;

like a blue-veined cheese

we blossomed in the foreskin of an amputated dust.

my rust a meagre nightshade for the candle on your breast.

by his own hand

he of a great unknown with a penguin heart

beyond a more less pleasant view

yellow soap. white frost in the corner of my mouth.

onward as soldiers

christian in thought to a crucifix

smell the leaves in the devils sixty-four.

it bores me still

above the white male stallion

you scallywag with a purple nose

and a rose with the sticks of four more hungry men

each as frail as a snail in a shadows box.

I have chcikenpox and a swelling on my brain.

my mother was a bag of wood

as tall as I am thin.

this picture of a place

a tractor-pull 

beyond the hazel eyes of a passing foot.

the five acts of Othello

which one are we my fine-dined feathered friend?

touch me

watch me bleed where the lovers leap and swell.

tomorrow ours

you and I

with this god of a thousand mouths;