Another Self


She only creeps up at night

at 2 am

From my subconscious to remind me what I hadn\'t done right. 

My alter ego.

She\'s a bit harsher. Highlights small moments throughout my day 

tells me how I could\'ve handled them in a different way.

A better way.

You don\'t learn, she says.

She\'s a bit more critical.

Makes my actions seem more cynical.

Don\'t sleep she says

You don\'t deserve it.

Lives in the depths of my head 

Memorizing every word that I\'ve said

Unfortunately for me, her memory is pristine. 

And just when I thought she couldn\'t be more mean

she starts singing my day like a satirical song,

with the chorus being what I had done wrong.

You don\'t think enough she says ...

think more... don\'t sleep

THINK don\'t sleep