Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Life is like a puff of air, 
Fear chokes our breathes, 
None is safe
in their match box houses.

In the Zoo Republic
Live is worthless, 
Men on blue are demigods, 
Whose rifles are instruments of doom.

At lake tall-gate, 
We witness their dastard acts,
Daily souls are laid
to painful sleep. 

How long will this continue? 
Today, Oliver a victim, 
Tomorrow, who is next? 
Jalingo, a macrocosm. 

Man has ceased to be man, 
Like Cain and Abel,
They murdered him, 
Kiths and kins grief
in painful laughter. 

The society is vulnerable, 
Brutality looms the streets, 
Fingers sold our birthright, 
The leaders and the led
are closely apart. 

Nemesis will live forever, 
Let the kindred spirits 
fight this battle, 
Enough is enough.