
We are in control & I applaud

We are in control



I am not one to believe in heaven or hell,

I am one to suggest they are lies they tell.

I am not one to believe in reincarnation either,

I am one to suggest you heard it from a deceiver.


I am one that remembers a partial truth of it,

I understand with your beliefs it won’t fit.

Picture everything surrounding and white,

objects unrecognizable whipping by out of sight.


A singular point in my direct path ahead,

towards me it quickly approached, it sped.

Darkness surrounded when I went in,

opening my eyes this life I live did begin.


The first words I heard in this newly acquired shell,

of the names in the vehicle, it wanted me to tell.

A discussion to establish and to connect us two,

I buried the one I conquered and became true.


Now I wait for this shell to fail and die,

hoping to capture the start of when I fly,

into the next one, to control with ease.

These humans unaware they are the disease.


We are the ones of this world in control,

we are the essence, what you call a soul.







I applaud



It is hard, when I see us both at times,

when I focus hard to see you inside.

The reflection looking back in my eyes,

never did I believe you had died.


I know I trapped you in your own mind,

give no voice to your screaming thoughts.

But of your own life you are not blind,

I reveal through memory lots.


I’m going to keep you locked in tight,

you\'re not free, never getting away.

I’m keeping you in my visions sight,

subdued is what you’re going to stay.


It is hard, when I see us both at times,

seeing your suffering, your weakness,

and watching tears fall from your eyes.

To this human, I applaud your meekness.