
As the years go by...

As the years go by  with the seasons and the air of times...

My morning coffee ,solitary companion ,discreet  confident,

who doesn\'t get involved  in quarrels of beer  mugs ...

trembling old folks hands with  few words 

for fear of getting lost in the great  avenue 

of memory in ceremonial  dress ...

I watch the years go by  in disguise 

of hours ,days and  never,

dying  in loves of  nowhere ...

They give me a distracted  wave ...

Do the passing years a destiny ?

Some faded scents  on my school notebooks ...

The earth keeps turning 

birds  flying and girls to seduce,

the clouds lay gray on the harvest 

of hair in the wind ...

The names of my loves are lost 

in the forgotten reveries ...

I\'ve mislaid the key in the mist of history

and the melody\'s mixed up in too many arms...

The nomad I was has become a gardener 

of moon tears  and  fancy sorrows ...

 The years go by and look at me ,

   so gently mocking ....