Mohammad younus koul

The Morning Star Is Just Up

<span;>The morning star is just up
<span;>But not quite yet
<span;>I see still some shades dark
<span;>Fighting, to embrace me
<span;>The one that is enlightened
<span;>Certainly knows
<span;>The odds of illusion
<span;>As the sun of awareness
<span;>There we see our face
<span;>Our divine intelligence
<span;>Our divine eyes
<span;>Eager to see
<span;>Our true essence
<span;>And the moment we see
<span;>Our truth, our reality
<span;>We will, certainly know
<span;>…the sun divine never sets
<span;>And when freed, we find
<span;>Moonlight  and  sunlight
<span;>seeps through every pore
<span;>Through heart, soul, and mind
<span;>Let’s see. How the night frees
<span;>And eternal day appears .