
Whistle and Boot

For reasons both; of wear and tear

and biochemical shoot,

nothing seems; so tailor made

to cover bare; with suit,


even though; weight has been lost

a bulge; there still; remains,

if the wrong waistcoat is worn; makes

pinged off button pains,


thus, eyes peeled; for charities;

who house a hearty deal,

in purchasing; donated gift

will make; so good; a feel,


but; three months of near misses,

rotted; hope; so lean,

lo’ a three piece glad rag,

was found at Radcliffe scene,


finally it is with me,

my new whistle and boot,

render me respectable

perhaps; be called; so cute, thus


paint my guppy smile,

so, love song can be played, for

such romance; has far too long

stewed inside the shade.