
Gary, Indiana

The abandoned church in the city

Has haunting memories,

I can hear God\'s voice in this church

What fond memories

Float around this place?

Such beautiful voices lie upon the ground

This city is a dump, yet my heart dwells near

Abandoned homes and broken down cities

Are the brace of America

Yet here I stand on an open road

With tears as thick as thieves,

And tomorrow lights up an open road

With a woman in the sun

Oh hail to open fire...the violence has just begun

Who do you believe

In this open hour,

Where thieves and grass contend?

Oh Thomas Edison, where\'s our light?

To cast lightning upon this place would be impossible

I sink in the open road

With dire despair

And the truth of all truths will be revealed

And the great church of revelry

Will be stoned by God

For there is sunlight on the way...

For in the city of Gary, I fear for everyone

Yet there are pieces of beauty that remain

Concrete trucks and relevant cars

Dwell on the side of the road

And present eyes are still bound

To empty streets and trashy grounds

My heart is bound...but it\'s still near

The morning bell has rung

Oh screeching Hamlet, what do you say now?

For you will forever be my fish in a pond

What kind of greatness does this world provide?

For the casting of stones is lucrative

Why not save this burning bride

Walking down Jackson Way?