All I do is smile, stupidly
Hides the bits of me I can\'t have them see
Happiness is not a choice
It\'s a requirement
And there\'s nothing to be done
Copy a smile
Paste it on
Hide inside
The confines
Of my own mind
Happiness is not a choice
So open up
And smile wide
At all the nothing inside
At all the pain outside
Forget it all
It\'s easier then dwelling
Swelling over
Pushed aside
They lied
They lied
They lied
You can be whatever you want
Oh, how low I\'ve been flying
There\'s no tougher pill to swallow
Stay and wallow in my sorrows
As long as you work real hard
You can do-
What can I do?
They forgot to mention the subtext
Whatever you want
As long as you can profit
As long as people will pay for what you provide
As long as there\'s not to much competition
They lied
And I believed
I wanted desperately to
You can dance through the heart of this storm
But what happens when it doesn\'t end?
That\'s why I\'m screaming
I just want to keep sleeping
Stay here in my head
Never let the honey moon end
Laying in my fields of flowers
Singing me to sleep
Walking through clay castles
Molded to my will
They require smiles
Slogging through days
Wading through weeks
Unending time
I\'m told
All we do is smile
Play pretend
All I can do
Hide in my head
So I don\'t see red
They\'re watching
They\'re ALWAYS watching