


There was a brief moment in my life

where I lost touch with my own soul

I couldn’t recognize myself

and every time I opened my eyes

all I could see; all I could feel was struggle

struggle through the dense fog

that life sometimes piles upon our roads

potholes a plenty

if I didn\'t suffocate in the fog

I could have easily been swallowed up

by one of those potholes

but I didn\'t, because when I needed it most

I found my strength and courage

and now on occasion

 when I find the dense fog in front of me

once more

and the potholes underneath my feet

I remember what I learnt

avoiding them

 to keep on walking without a fall

keeping my head high, remembering

they are just a test, a test

that will bring my poetry to its finest

one day far from now

sharing with others

others who have felt the dense fog

and who like me have avoided

being swallowed by the potholes

that life sometimes digs for all of us


 if I can re-find my lost soul

everyone can.