Dan Williams

Hard Winter

It is going to be a hard winter this year,

It is going to be a pretty hard winter, I fear.

Friends have up and flown,

some are much more permanently gone,

going to be a hard winter this year.

Three thousand three hundred and seventy-one times

I swore off losing sleep over you who abandoned me.

Maybe when you get older you might miss me plenty at times

when we both have only one leg left to stand on.

Some few times less than that, I appear in my own dream,

asking again why do these winters keep getting colder.

My plaintive unheard cry devolved to primal scream

over things I felt she knew, so never told her.

It is going to be a hard winter this year,

there is a bitter cold cringe bringing tears

making you shudder and flinch thinking back

before your fortress first came under attack,

when the coldest of winters held no fear,

but it\'s going to be a really hard winter this year.

Finally, he ends this off key, hard to follow rant.

Some how he felt you might just want to know

that the story can, but the storyteller can\'t

the tune can stay but the piano player must go.