
Africa’s grand opening





……..Is Africa the world’s convenient store, and why aren’t they running it; if it ain’t an Arab prince, British ideas to be enriched, French and Chinese Pimps, Africa needs a chastity belt and more, they’re going to drill a hole right through her gold ruby diamond studded core, it won’t be land left to tour, with great skill and aptitude the outside world is decreasing her latitude and longitude, as if they were surgeons, thoroughly convincing the people they aren’t insurgents, a sort of horrific emergence, wisdom siphoned into oblivion by Leopold the second, you would think the bird of death would lessen, but it just put on a bib and added some French dressing. Next they’ll be mining melanin, so they can stop peeling and pillaging, won’t have to sneak in to steal again, they can blend in and start to drill again.