The Beach of Calmness

On a summer evening, by the shore,
Where waves whispered secrets to the sands,
Children’s laughter danced in the salty air,
Their tiny feet imprinting joy on the beach.


I stood apart, an observer of this scene,
My gaze drawn upward to the sky’s canvas.
Puffy white clouds mingled with the blue expanse,
And the cool breeze kissed my sun-kissed face.


Birds soared, their wings slicing through the heavens,
As the scent of the sea enveloped me,
Inviting me to plunge into its depths,
To swim where the ocean’s heart beat strongest.


Boats bobbed on irregular waves,
Their wooden hulls riding the rhythm of the tides,
A tranquil ballet of calm and steadiness,
A joyous celebration of life upon the water.


And in this quietude, the waves whispered,
Their gentle lullaby coaxing my feet deeper,
Into the warm embrace of sun-kissed sands,
A theft of old anxieties, a balm for weary souls.


Small dunes pirouetted with the wind,
Their silhouettes etching serenity against the horizon,
As if a master painter had blended hues with care,
Creating a masterpiece of tranquility.


This, my friends, is the beach of calmness,
Where the world hushes its clamor,
And the heart finds solace in the ebb and flow,
A sanctuary where the soul can breathe.