Thad Wilk

~> Nay, I Shan\'t Share! ( Sonnet-Dedication )

Harken dude, all this grain and seed \'tis mine.

I\'ll kick thine ass believe these words spoken.

Nay I shan\'t share an\' that\'s the bottom line.

Desist or thine beak it shall be broken!


What part of \"nay\" dost thou not understand?

How dar\'st thee bitch try to stealeth mine food?

From this spot e\'er more thine butt shall be banned.

These treats art all mine and thee I exclude.


Thou hast gobbled mine food for the last time.

The sage\'s an\' thinkers they would\'st agree.

To \"munch out\" in this spots surely a crime.

Begone, I shan\'t be fook\'d no more by thee!


Next time thou get hungry thou better heed;

if thee land o\'re here, a casket thy\'ll need~

