Your Girlfriend

(just another random poem idk what to name it.)

Ok thank your for asking but im just gonna keep passing

They ask ¨hey kiddo you ok?¨

¨Yep¨ I tell them every day

I try and try to hide the pain

Friends who were/ are friends use it against me

Because people are evil when they wanna be

As a person you can either help yourself and or help others

Or you can hurt yourself and or others

But only you can decide

Are you gonna be the good in that persons day or the bad

Are you gonna be that one person who can be liked and helpful bc of your kindness

Or the person who is feared and hurt others

Bc I had the second person dealt to me and tbh its not great

So make the right decision for you

But for me its kindness over rudeness

Liked over feared

Happiness over hurt

You choose.