Tom Dylan

This Day Last Year

This day last year, I was having a tough week,

you know those days where your head

is scrambled and you feel like screaming

shouting crying, throwing your hands up

and tapping out?


This day last year was hard, the emotional

equivalent of those athletes who run

seven marathons in a week, except

I was in bare feet and sleep-deprived.


This day last year, I stopped by the book store

on my way home from work,

you can never have too many books,

despite what my wife says.

It’s not a spare room, I say, it’s my library.


This day last year, I wandered up and down

the aisles of the book shop, stopping to read

the back of a few books. Should I try crime?

Fantasy? Thriller? Spy? Self-help?

So many genres to choose from.


This day last year, I was drawn to the narrow shelf

at the back of the book-shop. The shelf was tucked

away as though it stored illicit material.

I reached for a volume, eager to see what this strange

shelf contained. I flicked through a few pages,

turning to make out the words in the faint light-bulb glow.

Was that poetry? Yes, the words were laid out in stanzas

and seemed to be speaking just to me. 


This day last year, I tried another page, another poem,

feeling the excitement and adrenaline of a new discovery,

I rushed to the counter and paid for the book

with a crumpled ten pound note,

before heading outside, eager to delve deeper

into this new world.

Standing on the pavement, the rain started to fall,

the name of the book seemed to speak to me too,

Staying Alive.