
The ones hanging out & Tell me they\'re mine

The ones hanging out



They won’t get out of my mind,

turn the wheel and get back inside.

In the darkness playing hard to find,

the ones in which I often confide.


The ones inside of my minds mind,

sowing lies into my twisting head.

The reasons my thoughts are blind,

keeping me from hearing words said.


Silently they trick the shadows side,

distorting a visions colorful view,

then quickly run and quietly hide,

confusing mirages for what’s true.


Intentionally they ignore a thought,

secretly hide reasons from the why.

The ones I’ve needed and even sought,

the ones hanging out with my I.





Tell me they’re mine 


Can somebody tell me they’re mine,

the ones kept hidden from your view,

the ones in a corner hidden from you.

Can somebody tell me they’re mine.


Can somebody convince my view,

show me the shadows line,

let me see into what is mine.

Can somebody convince my view.


Can somebody reveal a sign,

explain its meaning true,

teach me of what it will do.

Can somebody reveal a sign.


Can somebody lighten the hue,

enlighten the hidden of mine,

brighten my darkened confine.

Can somebody lighten the hue.


Can somebody tell me they’re mine,

the ones safely hidden from you,

the ones kept from your view.

Can someone tell me they’re mine.