Jeremy Leach

A billion miles from Earth

I sat in my ship, the Earth a tiny jewel of a blue dot, one billion miles away.

A fast disappearing dot in a mass of other dots in the deep vastness of black.

As I touched the controls on the softly glowing screen, I knew there was no going back.

My sad eyes gazed out, transfixed by that scene -  I truly wished there had been another way.


I felt a bitterness at leaving my fellow earthlings, because of the things so many had lacked!

I felt ashamed and dismayed at my peoples arrogance and ignorance.

With the obsessions, oppression, corruption, war and outright indifference.

Never stopping to think of a much bigger picture, and our races humbled insignificance.

But still distorting, manipulating, lying, crying, obfuscating and contorting - to seek deliverance.

I turned. Thankfully I had a new world ahead of me. I started the thrusters and set my ships course - and I never looked back.