Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke


Doubts becloud her mind; 
Loneliness the bed of comfort, 
The heart an empire of worries, 
No fathomable voice is heard.

The arms decry of it boredomness 
Only the songs of sorrow
permeate the sicky emotion, 
Though you are foot loose, but not fancy free. 

A vacuum cries aloud, 
Beckoning a priceless heart, 
A rib to compliment an existence, 
To unlock the hidden treasures. 

The shrine lays bare, 
With no chief priest to ignite it flaming desires, 
Caution keeps the shrine without libation, 
Waiting for a human Angel. 

A forerunner has been sent, 
To prepare a way,
But bewitched by her beauty, 
Fate unpredictable. 

But thy sudden appearance 
awakes a part that was long buried, 
War of emotion stares blindly,
Scenes replay itself.

Emotion conflicts with thoughts, 
This wasn\'t the bargain,
But fate will always have it way, 
Could this be a blessing in disguise? 

Take not the path,
That leads to temporal fun, 
It might gladden thy heart, 
Fate throws a dice before you,
The choice is yours to make.