Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Woe unto you hypocrites, 
For you make the outside
of the cup clean,
But within, they are full of extortions.

Woe unto you,
Religious leaders and laities, 
For you are like whited sepulchres
which indeed appear beautiful.

But are within
full of dead bones,
Your religious pieties
are pleasing and deceitful.

Even as you appear righteous
unto men outwardly,
But within, you are full
of hypocrisy and iniquities.

Daily we behold realities choking us, 
Thieves preaching against theft, 
Adulterers against adultery,
Pulpits desecrated with lies.

Souls are malnourished, 
Prosperity, the banner of salvation, 
Shepherds dine with long spoons, 
When souls are languishing in hades.