

A pleasant warmth envelops me

Going right through, to my heart

It fills my soul and body too

Going deep inside to every part.


Entranced I stare, and stare, and stare

The scene that meets my eye

It  seems to tear from my very heart springs

A loud and appreciative cry


Oblivious am I to the whole wide world

And all that is happening now

My senses seem to be stolen away

And yet I know not when or how


Has ever anything of the like been seen

I seem to question myself

Can man notice these sweet sights too

While he’s immersed in power and pelf?


Can all be drawn by the magnetic scene

As I have been, and likewise

Try to forget the harsh reality

Depicted now before their eyes


No, for till poverty and brute terror exists

We cannot hope to see

Pleasant, lively everyday sights

And just be drowned in non-stop glee


Our care should be given to those

Who have been denied too much in life

To those who have constantly spent

Their waking hours in painful strife


So let us try to achieve this goal

And do all that we can

In bringing about the very uplift

And emancipation of woman and man