The devoted part of us, the sacred, silent part,
We betray you!
You are the good, the perfect and the joyous singing.
We close our eyes in shame, and turn, quickly to depart,
It is all true!
We just cannot accept the proposal of meaning.
You have no doorway open, no entrance or pathway,
We delay you!
We have set false demons at the gate to hinder you.
We have tempests of hatred and cyclones of dismay,
Waiting for you!
So you imitate joy to avoid an interview.
Yet you stay hidden, saddened by the beauty unseen,
We deny you!
As we deny the exquisite wonder you possess.
We are now damned players in a prophecy foreseen.
Lights are on you!
Let us not suffer this long betrayal, and distress,
Of our own volition.
Reveal yourself, be born, that we might not
Bear the burden of life alone.