My name is Doctor Seymore Gore,
All Hallows Eve is here once more.
You won\'t believe what we\'ve instore.
Come lets explore, come lets explore!
The Queen Of Horrors Royal Court,
\'tis like an evil fiends resort.
Allow me to be your escort.
In this blood sport, in this blood sport.
Our Monster Mash has many ghouls.
We show no mercy, torture rules.
In my \"black bag\" I\'ve cutting tools.
To slice these fools, to slice these fools!
Trick Or Treaters when they arrive,
all meet their fate and none survive.
Each bound in chains and \"skinned alive.\"
And that\'s no jive, and that\'s no jive!
My Queen saves these parts in a jar,
adores my talents from afar.
She drools each time I slash and mar.
Muahaha, muahaha! ~