
1066 Reunion

Have I beaten Goldfinch to it?

Inviting you to the 1066 Reunion

It\'s tomorrow, the 14th October


It\'s eccentric, I know

But like Goldfinch and I

You may join the reunion

If you were at the Battle of Hastings in 1066

In person!


It\'s the 958th anniversary this year

Never knew it was so long ago

Btu probably seems like 5 minutes ago

When you\'re millions of years old anyway


So you must be very old to qualify

Millions of years old, as we both are

Remembering the dinosaurs

Seeing them in person

Those sort of old things!


The history video is not true

It was all my fault!

I said to King Harold \'Look up, Sire\', and he did

And \'the rest is history\', as they say


See ya there! (lol)