My grandmother owned an old alarm clock
Its main attribute was its fine tick-tock.
Seriously – it had no further features -
No alarm to waken, nor others…
What about?, not even just a hand
Or two. Its shabby face said nothing, bland.
And so every night she lovingly wound
This battered companion for, yes, its sound.
And Morpheus called in minutes she claimed,
Although when she explained he wasn’t named.
For me - preparation for bed was hard;
Shoes and trousers removal left me scarred.
Extraction from my trousers was the aim
Yet I lacked balance and then lost the game;
Moments before I\'d been ready for sleep,
But crashed to the floor in a one legged heap…
Now I don’t sleep in my bed anymore;
Winter makes undress too much of a chore.
Instead a large armchair owned forty years
Provides me with a night’s sleep free of fears.
It’s raw invigorating and primal
To leap up fully clothed after sleep’s final
Departure and confront the day, no pause;
So perhaps this above all is my first cause.