Thad Wilk

~> Best Stay Inside This Halloween! - form Trijan Refrain -

Best stay inside this Halloween,

don\'t trick or treat his place!

This creature\'s a killing machine

and won\'t be phased by mace.

The sight of him you would abhor,

This fiend he thrives on blood and gore.

The sight of him.

the sight of him.

\'Twould chill you to the very core! 


Best stay inside this Halloween,

This ghoul\'s the devils spawn.

Has razor teeth; he\'s really mean,

the smell of fear he\'s drawn.

Near eight feet tall with claws of steel.

To tear your heart out they\'re ideal!

Near ten feet tall,

near ten feet tall.

Beware out there this story\'s real.


Best stay inside this Halloween,

he has no heart nor soul.

His body smells like a latrine,

he eats his victims whole!

Taking your life he will conspire.

A feeding frenzy\'s his desire.

Taking your life,

taking your life.

He\'ll surely try hard to acquire! ~

