Petrichor of Love

She Glistens in Grace

She glistens in grace like the light

from gilded realms and eternal skies

and all that\'s purest at my sight

is imbued in her facets and her eyes

thus married to the aureate delight

which abode to any maiden denies. 


A tint the more, one hue the less

would ruin that beauteous grace

which cascades into the gilded dress, 

or gently blossoms over her face;

where time and death often confess

their jealousy over this eternal trace.


And on her face and o\'er that brow

so calm, so beautiful yet so delicate,

the gaze that charms, the facets that glow

telling of a beauty bestowed by her fate;

A soul blessed with all the above

and a demure for which my heart will await.