Tristan Robert Lange

Beneath the Surgical Sky

Fragments of a Former Self

This isn’t as painful as I thought,
The self-surgical extraction
Carried out with surprisingly steady hands
And steeled determination.
The skin—the outer layer—
Sliced surface-deep all around
The leathery mask falls off in a heap—
My face, raw rivulets of red.
Crimson colors create
A painting with strokes
Sublimely placed in full view
Of cognitively dissonant minds
Housed in cavernous hills
Beneath ominous ontological skies.
Familiar figures now lay me down
And open the shutter
That hides away the nova’s light—
Radiantly bright white light
Illuminating the areas left to
Slice and peel away.
Section by section overtaken
And surgically removed from me
As I lie there—stiff—
Oozing profusely into puddles
Of unrecognizable uniformity,
Unifying my detractors
In their gruesome gorging
Of my remaining essence.
This devilish demise—
Friends, you must realize—
Comes at the cost of compromise
On the foundation
Of who you are.
Beware the shining star
That claims from afar
To know who
Like with me,
You wish to find yourself
Dissected—all your parts on a shelf—
Lying in a crimson, plasma sea
Of all the living things
You had hoped
To be.
Like me—
Drowning in the static sea,
Filled with the floating grizzle and gore
Of who I used to be.
A shadowy, sullen, shade
Haunting the prison hallways
Of others’ hopes
And dreams.
© 2024 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.