

Frozen in time  
Like dead fish in ice  
Staring unseeing  
As the world goes by  


New calendar comes  
Hangs on the wall  
Years go by  
Clock keeps ticking,  
With nonchalance  
As if nothing happened at all  


Riding the Time train  
Present turning into Past  
They say everything is temporary  
Nothing is made to last  


What world will greet me  
When I melt the ice, and
Steps out the unfrozen Me
A primitive creature
In a world full of miracles 
Which I have never seen?  


Should I ask for redemption  
For my greatest sin?  
The sin of refusing to change  
The sin of not giving in  


God whispers back
\"Why are you calling on me?
I am the old God 
I am also guilty as sin
I refused to change 
Same as you did
I can offer you peace and freedom 
Those are old medicines
The world has changed my boy
They made a fossil out of me
Wealth and Power are the new Gods
People worship
Sadly my son you need something 
Which I can\'t give
Grow a skin very thick
The world has forfeited shame
Honour and ethics will bring you defeat\"