and so here the fox lies in wait
Search the skies for the circling hawk
Who shall sweep down with his
Talons of truth and eyes of
Neverending curiosity.
the fox will watch,
because that is what the fox does.
for the fox cannot fly,
and everyone mistrusts the unruly beast
so she shall watch, watch, watch, and
she shall create her own wings
crafted from the leaves
of the cherry branch trees.
a copy cat,
except it is a copy fox?
She wishes to fly,
But the misleading whispers tell her not.
To seek truth she shall struggle and collect
Leaves of guidance from
The fruitful trees of paradise
Carefully one by one.
The fox was not created to fly,
however the fox was instead blessed with a mind
The fox was not created to fly
however the fox was instead blessed with unending passion.
The fox was not created to fly
however the fox was able to overcome the whispering fires
and build her own way.
painful as it is.
maybe one day
the fox will fly.