
3 poems on time

Their own strands


The past only exists because of the future,

the future will become the eventual past.

Times movie has no dedicated producer,

a moment only for a moment does last.


The future holds answers and problems,

while the past has its reflective tone.

We tend to separate time into columns,

only remembering moments shown.


The present has the moments called now,

renamed as they pass with a clocks hand.

The moments themselves are times bow,

existing and moving on their own strands.



Strung Theory


Stringing moments of time to see,

hanging the loops in front of thee.


Noticing how their time is lengthy,

these parts of existences theory,

stringing us into one energy,

into one blur of life to be,

one moment as it breathes,

into notions of being stringy.


Stringing moments of time to see,

just so an understanding can be,

the forward notion for thee,

believing in the string theory.



A tear for a moment


As the time passes your view,

stop and listen to a moments’ beat.

Watch as it passes on through,

listen and hear the sound repeat.


Capture the tunes rhythms and flow,

grab hold, of its vibrating wave.

Allow it to display what it knows,

open your mind to a moments grave.


Let yourself understand what it knew,

understand what time has lost.

Remember the path the moment drew,

passage of time, moments are the cost.


Watch as time passes your view,

listen to the moment faintly die.

Expand the understanding of you,

and sit for the moment and cry.