

Such a long stare to just gaze 

Such lost time to never fight 

I stop and I rewind 

Your seraphic face 

That drives me insane 

But you just gaze 

\"What a coward you are\" 

\" The same as the previous 

And I bet my heart, the next one\"

I fear I will die 

And you will still long for my eyes 

I fear we will lose our minds 

And you\'ll stay stuck to your price

A combination of cowardice and heroism in your smile 

Your smile and your price 

Nothing related to purity 

Or anything kind 

Only yourself and your nest 

Narcissism in your first shelf 

You wear it and 


start soliloquies no one ever heard 

\"She looks good in those jeans 

Keep her just in need\"

Crestfallen I admit 

I close my eyes and I hope

Either you don\'t exist 

Or come and speak 

I say words I don\'t believe 

Like:\" I hope he dies while he sleeps\"

In reality I\'m only adrift 

Proof ?The tears on my cheek 

The deceitful smiles

The oppressed lies

The bad habits that came back 

And shuttered my heart 

The bad habits that blackened my light 

And haunted my every night 

Bad habits that bled my whole life dry 

And how I keep them close to me 

I don\'t tell and I don\'t shout

I stay calm and carry on with life

They might disappear along with your clouds 

Yet I laugh and spread love 

I\'m kind and pray for your soul 

And I carry carefully my broken heart 

Can you learn a bit from that ?

ironic , isn\'t it?

The aftermath of my decisions 

Of giving a piece of me 

With not one evidential reason


you loving anything about me

What a fool I\'ve been!