David Wakeling

Fallujah Iraq April 2007

Dear Mom,

Hey Mom, I hope you are well. Not feeling much pain.
I guess, when  you get this letter I’ll be long gone.
It’s my goddamn birthday what a coincidence.
See I took a direct hit an hour ago.
You won’t believe this, They call it a Death Blossom,
It was just a routine part of a shake and bake.
It hit me in the chest. It was goodnight Irene.
I think it came from a little Iraqi kid.
Talk about coincidence. Duke got hit as well.
You don’t know Duke. He went to the same school as me. 
He used to copy my answers  on the exams.
He even stole my first girlfriend. You know Donna.
He is bleeding and is having trouble breathing, 
Maybe you could tell his Mom and Dad I hope so.

Anyway I need to say a few things to you.
I haven’t made you proud. I Kinda let you down.
You must be a little disappointed in me.
Hey Mom do you remember years ago at school,
In athletics I won the 100 yards foot race
I remember I was over the goddam moon.
You were there and put your arms around me and cried.
I don’t know why you cried but it seemed really right.
It’s a shame that good old Dad wasn’t there for that.
I guess some coincidences just don’t happen.

Oh yeah who was that skinny girl that lived next door?
Tina, no it was Louise. God she hated me.
She used to throw peaches at me. I don’t know why.
She hit me in the head once. Gee she was funny.
She sure used to make me laugh, she had a good heart.
I think about her. She was a firey one.
I think she might of, kinda liked me but who knows.
It’s no coincidence she married a fireman.

Well Mom the light is fading, the Sun’s going down,
I Guess I better sign off now and say goodbye.
Gee the stars look pretty over the Iraqi sky.
At least you don’t have to wish me happy birthday Mom
Love ya Mom.

Your son Elroy.