Halfway to Hanoi
I was barely halfway to Hanoi
when I grew tired,
of just about everything ..
Of sleeping
with strangers and so many
other things besides ..
Indeed, I am now almost too
ashamed to even
think about most of them ..
That’s when,
she said, welcome to your
very own oblivion
so now consider yourself
well warned ..
Just be sure I shall feed you
if and when you
become helplessly hungry ..
But in the meantime,
please accept my sincerest
of greetings
and these ones too,
from your personal Dachau ..
On reflection,
I seem to think, it might have
been then,
I fell hopelessly in love with
those big blue
mascaraed eyelashes of hers ..
And when she did
eventually notice me staring
at them, she smiled ..
And asked how many hurts
was I prepared
to share with her there today ..
While all the while
curiously examining a fresh
burn, she was
busy creating upon her near
perfect nakedness ..
And in the very next breath,
the scent of fresh
napalm, began to fill our arena ..