I was taught by men to ignore flowers. It is unmanly to love each one.
They stand like medals given to valiant soldiers for what they’ve done.
But I have treated them badly and sadly.
Afraid they were better than me,
Afraid there were the epitome of gentleness
And I was something akin to pettiness.
As time works its alchemy, though, I have listened to their call.
There is a ghostly presence hidden beneath them all.
There is Grey Green Sage, now that is for wisdom and a long life,
The multi-coloured Rose of course is for victory and the end of strife,
When sadness violates the heart, I see Purple Pansies everywhere
They are the flower of happy thoughts and joy in the air.
The battle rages upon this Earth and we are left alone,
Seated in the lonely field were only strong flowers have grown.
There is the Blue Violet for forgiveness and humility,
Orange and Red Zinnia is for the thoughts of missing friends with sensitivity,
Evergreen Rosemary is good for remembrance, Lily is the return of happiness,
The gallant green Ivy signifies undying love and patience.
Of course, White Garlic is for protection strength and healing,
And the rich green Parsley is for that victorious feeling.
I now notice them on my way. Flowers that want for nothing,
They are inspiring masks that keep hid an eternal something.