
The mask

Her talent to pretend wasn\'t a virtue but a curse 

The foe inanely ignored 

she lived in a bastille 

And was trying to break free 

But if honesty is her savior 

Shall she who acts naive get the feeling of relief?

Shall she feel at least the hint of spring?


Her hypocrisy was a buckler

To be protected from the plunder

Her nose was only getting longer 

 her mouth once opened 

flames of vivid red were released 

The \"gift\" as considered from the rest 

was a prison with no escape 


Even the judge felt pity 

\"The evidence are enough\"

\"You can escape at Last!\"

She gasped and laughed 

The girl who wore her mask 

Had lived many years in the familiar land

She had been in the court In the past

trying to remove her mask


She had seen the process 

She knew that attorneys were useless 

So she finally decided for her future 

They would reveal her real face 

She would curse the ones with no brain

She obviously needed first aid 


As she shout:\" I won\"

She feared she would lose control 

Her authenticity can cause a storm

Her real face can make everyone go

Leaving her abandoned and alone 

They would never realize her goals 

Dreams of a soul so fragile and pure 


Before the court 

She was forced to hold the mask tightly 

She wanted to get out 

She was screaming with no sound 

She was screaming with fury of her luck 

She was screaming and felt at heart

her insufferable pain was in vain


She smiled recalling that 

For she realized breathing fresh air exists 

And spring is actually a thing 

After her curse, the hatred in their eyes

Strangely, left her relieved and satisfied  

She was set free , alone but at peace

But then woke up again to the familiar land


Her dream to fly away 

To be saved 

Was a delusion she wished was true 

The voices \"Run to find you\" 

Were silenced for good 

This time the mask she held  

Took away the last remaining pieces of her