Mason 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪

Was She Breathing?

Hardly there was much to say,

as the dawn was on its way,

failing to the sense and meaning,

failing to my one last feeling,

not much to do , I\'m now leaving,

heathen am I? somewhat else ?

hideous monster that I\'m creeping,

friends and foes I someday needing,

or a goblin I\'ve been seeking
only I asked, was she breathing ?
I had stood there watch her bleeding,

I had stood there watch her suffer,

she was no friend nor a lover
there was no way she was healing,

I didn\'t know , was she breathing?

out of my head I was stabbing
her neck and throat I was grabbing,

was I all done? I was leaving
no longer I felt the needing,

I still cant see, was she breathing?
oh God it really kept me going,

me the beast, but the beauty wasn\'t moving,

what drove me there? what was leading?

all the madness, what was breeding?

never mind that , was she breathing?

oh my Demon Lord of violence,

sat in my head dead in silence,

it was feeling so appealing,

no my demon , was not dreaming,

only he asked, was she breathing?