
3 poems on drops life

Imagine it is alive 


To have no imagination, you will believe a drop is not alive, 

have no suggestion to imagine that a drop will survive. 

There is no intention to convince your dry mind, 

that each drop has a life of which we can easily find. 

Just open your thoughts to a drops’ extended view. 

Just pretend that the drop is simply a reflection of you. 

Expand your explanation into a sea, river, brook, or the sky. 

Speak of the snow, being frozen, and falling when an eye cries. 

Explain your emotions through a drops point of view. 

Metaphor your way past the layers of what a drop is to do. 

Drops are alive and travel the globe freely with its flow, 

this is something all of us should already know. 




Liquid reflection 



As I slid down the churches top, 

just being a lonely drop. 

I noticed this shiny bell, 

and towards it I fell. 

Hit the bell with such a bang, 

the echoing note, it rang. 

Across the town it could be heard, 

landed on a sitting bird. 

Was wacked away by its wing, 

cooing with the note I did bring. 

Fly I did towards a car, 

banged on the top, left no scar. 

Rode the road for a little trip, 

till the motion made me slip. 

Off the roof to the ground, 

making the quietest sound. 


Trickled towards a grounds vent, 

not knowing where it went. 

Through the sewer travelling fast, 

glad that day has passed. 

The smell lingered for days on end, 

into the ocean I did blend. 

Waited only a few years to die, 

evaporating into the sky. 

Soaring across the lands below, 

heading north to become snow. 


As I reflect while on this trip, 

hanging onto a clouds tip. 

I wonder how a flake softly flies, 

and why a drop needs to die. 

Become a part of a wintery site, 

just to cover the land in white. 

The things I contemplate as I wait, 

travelling in a liquified state. 





A life to live 



I live a free life if you call it, 

I am just a drop of water. 

Calling it a life does fit, 

its meaning just being broader. 


I die and am reborn to a new form, 

evaporate, freeze, and thaw is my hell. 

Into different lives I transform, 

travelling the world as well. 


Down the Nile to an ocean’s scene, 

I have fallen from the sky many times. 

Been to places no humans seen, 

to the highest mountains I climbed. 


Many centuries I have been around, 

many countries I have travelled through. 

Heard many different cultural sounds, 

over the ages my oxidated ego grew. 


I have been a trees tear, that fell, 

slid down a window to its end. 

Even dripped on a polished bell, 

The note echoing I did send. 


With each drop the melody sang, 

across the forests rocky side. 

Even dripped from a tiger’s fang, 

my life has been an amazing ride. 


Being a drop that drips and falls, 

travelling the world the time I give. 

Participating in many squalls, 

As a drop, I have a life to live.