Rose Abrilith

The Eternal Sun

Alone wanders a small grim bird.

devoted, she has traveled very far,

Into the night sky that glimmered.

Arriving, she perches onto a small star.

The sun lay before her. She stood in awe at how it filled her vision.

She neatens feathers and starts:

“I have a very important question-

if you have a moment to spare.”

The little bird falls into the sun’s vision;

“Little one, what do you declare?”

The little bird begins, earnestly but with delay:

“...Will love ever come my way?”


Upon hearing, the sun gazes upon her with sorrow and compassion,

“Ah, my dear… there is much for you to claim.” 

“I must be blind, for I have found none”

“It is there in the little deeds done in your name

And in the moments of others missing your stay

Even though others gain more through glory and fame

There it lies. Present in your day to day.”

The little bird sits, silent, in listen.

The sun continues: “do not grasp in dismay

On the love that has been given,

It wanes and waxes, comes and goes,

Learn to appreciate as it appears and accept when it goes.


However, you shall always know

that constant love comes your way:

Look for me in the sky, it overflows.

I will look upon you with delight and joy, always.

Even in the night, the moon reflects my love for you.

Little one, you are one of my greatest joys.

It is for you that I move the sky and stars, always valued. 

To keep the world in warmth for you I am never annoyed.

“Is all that truly assured?”

“Of course.” The sun carries the bird.


The sun embraces her in a great warmth, blissfully divine.

And reaches to the earth and lay her onto her tree,

where the sunlight eternally shined.