I\'m writing a letter to god who won\'t read it .
It takes the air from the summit in Davos
or probably it no longer exists !
This year I won\'t be staying at the Palmyre hotel
because a sin of a bitch bombed Treblinka ...
I\'m writing a letter to this world
caressing concrete carcasses,
giving birth to death fish ...
I\'m writing a letter to the quantum
squatted by ungendered squalor
in the toilet terminal...
Just a message without any adjectives
and objectives that won\'t make the front page .
I\'m writting a letter to the king of Belgium
who have a blast with the sleeping beauty !
And also to the bored old moon
and stars in a hurry to reach eternity ...
Today ,my dear, it rains on decaying pumpkins,
a last skeleton lingers in the limelight...
Kamala and Dracula face off in the octogon...
In the night of Amsterdam Anne Franck
ends up in the canal ...
I\'m writing a letter to myself ,
ponctuated by charming infidelities
and a few poisonous scents
That I would\'nt send ...
I don\'t belong to this time-poor clock
questioned by the absent on a metro plateform...