As I walked my way home today
I looked up at the incredibly blue sky
not a cloud to be seen
I saw a plane that looked
as if it was flying straight up
going up just like a rocket
then I suddenly pondered
what if it wasn\'t a plane at all?
what if it was a rocket?
or worse a nuclear missile?
and as I slowly turned my head
back down to my own world
I was standing right outside
my local supermarket
and obviously my mind
turned back to reality
and to all the things that I hate
about this world
at this moment, in my life
and all the terrible things
that are so wrong with the world today
my thoughts then turned
to buying the most expensive spirit
I’ve never been able to buy
I’d never allowed myself
to purchase such luxury before…
but these were unprecedented times?
some who read this
may even believe I’m a poet?
because here I am pondering
time and strategy
digging a big hole in my purse
but would I have time to drink it?
straight up, out of the bottle like I’ve always dreamed?
then, perhaps when the world ends?
at least I’d be giggling
and thinking of all that I have ever loved
and all those I’ve ever loved
hell, even those I hate
grateful for that bottle of luxury Rum
because, I’d never have to wake up again in shame
none of us would.