

Any divulgence I make

I take it with me 

Till the grave 

In that old cemetery 

Near the dead my stone shall say:


\"Hallucinations are here to stay 

I see ghosts haunting my house 

I see ropes lit up with fire 

And flaming huge bars surrounding me

This is not a satire 

I\'m losing my mind 

And I can\'t see a way out 

Hallucinations are here to stay 

To escort me at the asylum

That\'s the only choice given to the doomed\"


\"The doomed , the cursed and the buried 

By the witches forever carried 

To an unknown place

\"Godforsaken\" was named 

Full of forgetful faces 

People of different ages 

People who believed THEY were the lost cases 

People who were sacrificed 

In the name of one\'s desperation 

On the altar of humanity\'s aberration 

So one can become an invaluable diamond

With no value 

So one can become a priceless art work 

With no price\"


The divulgence will go on

Under the mad 

Deep in the Earth\'s heart

Graven in the memory of bad luck 

Etched in my crumbling bones 

And bereft of words 

I say :

\"You shall now call the nurse 

The string of life is at last caught by the curse \"