




…….Obtuse has use and you use it well; under Political correction spells we delve, with the power of obtuse you’ve found use to ignore the truth, made it look like a spoof, like spoken truth is an exaggeration of what’s real, all because I spoke what’s real, your lights went out it’s only right to ask if you’ve paid your bills, only pointing out the fact you’re running up hills, I want to make an appeal, if your heart is in it, it can effect how you feel, and ignore what’s real, with some of us it’s like a skill, a frowned up face in the face of truth, like it smells and don’t ring a bell; you and your artificial intelligence programmed with false relevance, on a chessboard with soft and hard pieces, right now we’re molded by a false thesis, by fake teachers, with truth in the bleachers.