David Wakeling

Battered, Shattered and Scattered.


Mrs Gladys Wackjob:
“What the goodness is wrong with this hospital,
I received better service in a restaurant.
You nurses sit there doing nothing while my
Husband is dying. Why isn’t anyone talking to me.
And you little miss perky nurse, Yes you,
With the 80’s hair style. Are you actually old enough
To be a nurse. What the heck is going on..”

Nurse Rachel:
“I worked very hard at Medical School I gave up
everything. I didn’t have a social life. Yes I am old enough to be nurse.
We are doing everything we can but your husband
is very ill. Instead of yelling at me you might go and hold his hand.

Mr Jason Rightbrain,
“What is this crap. I ordered  eggplant parmesiana.
This looks like cow manure. If I want to throw up I would
eat my x-wife’s crap. What is wrong with this place.
Are you really a Chef or just grabbing boxes from the
supermarket and heating them in the microwave.
I can’t believe this. And you think I’m going to pay
for this rubbish.

Chef Greg.
I gave up a good job working in accounting for this.
I loved the idea of serving people food. Three years
at College and I tried so hard. I think I’ll give up now.

Mrs Jane Wiseacre,
Are you Mrs  Watson my daughter’s Teacher. This report says
my little Felicity is an underachiever. What on God’s green Earth
does that mean?  I help her with her homework.
She wanted to go to ballet. No No No Not on my watch.
She works harder than any of these loser kids why isn’t
she doing well at school. Are you even a real teacher you look like
a waitress.

Janine Watson:
I tried my best with Felicity. I gave her extra attention
but sometimes you just can’t reach some kids.
They have shut off from the world. I can’t imagined why.
 I have to go for a long walk now.