Tristan Robert Lange
A Tale of Two Journeys
The black wolf wanders on in loneliness,
Facing the ice tundra of rejection—
A barren wasteland of cold exclusion—
Past the faint hope of full inclusion,
Walking past the land of acceptance
In search for a space of true belonging.
The wolf looks for life and real belonging,
Trying to escape pall-shrouded loneliness
In order to live life in acceptance
Of one’s own nature without rejection
Because we are born to need inclusion;
It is horrible to face exclusion.
Have you ever felt hurt through exclusion?
So, you know why the wolf seeks belonging;
Wolves are social and long for inclusion.
In order to avoid such loneliness
These canines show strength to skip rejection;
Because the weak ones lose their acceptance.
Only the status quo get acceptance,
Those who do not conform face exclusion
Those who fit in will not face rejection
But they are enveloped in belonging.
Packs act like there’s nothing to loneliness,
Because they have only felt inclusion.
Privileged, the pack forgot inclusion
Sparking the black wolf’s quest for acceptance.
Wolves, by nature, do not like loneliness
And will work hard to avoid exclusion
Including trekking to find belonging;
At all costs, the wolf avoids rejection.
Past the cold, lonely fields of rejection
There exists a realm of full inclusion
Where the sheep and the wolves are belonging.
It is a land of total acceptance
Where there is never any exclusion;
No one’s ever suffering loneliness.
It is not rejection but acceptance,
It is inclusion, never exclusion
Planting belonging, ending loneliness.
© 2024 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.