
Alone With Nothing

I guess I was just as easy to forget as I assumed

Maybe I should hide away

Like the demons I run away from

I believe I’m an anomaly

I can’t figure out why I’m here

And I know the only feeling in me is that of sadness

It’s the only feeling I can grasp

The feeling so aware

If I disappear maybe nobody will care

Sometimes it hurts to be alive

I hate looking through sober eyes

I was told I was smart and that I was holding myself back

But it’s not like I have anybody so why does it matter?

Maybe I’m ok with that

Maybe I should accept my life

Maybe I should shrink away

And wither with ease

Everyone means so much to me yet

I’m nothing but a side character

That’s why I’m so willing to disappear

Nobody cares about me

So if I did die

Maybe I’d be ok

Maybe the demons will take me in

We will laugh and they will listen to me talk

And maybe they’ll understand

They’ll care

Love me for who I am

They will be the family and friends I never had

I don’t think I’ll be able to create

My heart is too guarded

And the worlds not safe

The demons wouldn’t care either

They would take just as my supposed loved ones did

I’ll be alone

No friends

No family

No demons

Just me

That’s it