Poetic Licence

Imagianary Friends (Voices In My Head)

Imaginary Friends. (Voices in my Head)


3:00 in the morning and I\'m exhausted from all that socialising.

It had been a long time since I had done any real entertaining.

I planned for a quiet night in on my own watching the television

Then out of nowhere my special friends started materialising.


I rarely get visited by friends I could sit and have a laugh with

Thought this might well give my bad mood a much-needed lift.

People from mixed ethnicity, backgrounds, sex and vocations

I have never had any prejudice or practise any form of racism.


The conversation started off fairly friendly and quietly enough

Some of them had not spoken for a while, were just catching up.

As the evening continued till late, and I drank a little bit more

Conversation got heated, on occasions it became too much.


Little tensions arose, an argument started regarding the past

It appears some memories never fade, they will always last

One or two of them got a little nasty in the things they said

They said we were just being honest, should we lie instead.


There are always some trying to dominate the conversation

But I wasn’t going to let just a couple have all the attention.

My drink ran out, I said to them we need to call it a night

I asked them if there is any chance, they can now be quiet.


Slowly but surely peace descended, and calm was restored

They all departed from the room and left it as it was before.

I didn\'t have to clean up because they never make a mess

 Thought I am tired maybe i should try and get some rest.


The voices in my head kept saying we will be back very soon

Listen out, we will make it known when we are in the room.

You see these are not physical friends, normal people have

They are voices and friends that reside inside my crazy head.


I have no control over them, when the voices come and go

When they visit and want to speak, they will let me know.

Most of the time I wished they would completely disappear

Because they just bring, bitterness, anger, sadness and fear.


They say I am just a crazy old man to have voices in my head

I tell them clearly there is something you don’t understand.

The truth is my friends are imaginary that is very clear to tell

But the voices in my crazy head they are frightenedly real.


Nataiella June (2008).